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Using the WebStore

Invoices and Shipping




Can I charge an order to my account?

Yes, the system is flexible enough to allow one user to use a credit card, while another user can have the order charged to the company account. For our customers’ account security, AmeriPride must approve each individual user and setup their user account with permission to place orders that are charged to the company account. Please contact your local branch representative or the Web Store Call Center at 800-297-6266 for assistance in obtaining approval.

I am a COD customer; can I charge an order to my AmeriPride account?

No, but the site accepts VISA, Master Card, and American Express.

Can you process American Express?

Yes, we accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard.



What if I don’t have an email address or web access, and I don’t want to place my own orders?

You can always place an order through your local branch. However, we encourage you to place your own orders and are happy to help you get started. Just call the Web Store Call Center at 1-800-297-6266.

How do I set up my logo on the Web Store?

It’s easy! Email a digital file to preferably in the following formats for best results, TIF, BMP, EPS or IA. We will also accept .jpg and .pdf file formats as well.

Do I receive a discount for ordering through the Web Store?

There are many benefits to ordering online, including the most direct shipping and quickest turn-around time, plus we occasionally offer special promotions for online orders. We send these to your inbox or post them right here on the website.

What do I do if I have a problem while ordering or after receiving my order?

At any time, before, during, or after your order, you can call the Web Store Call Center at 1-800-297-6266 or email



Will I receive a bill or invoice with each shipment, or after the entire order is shipped?

Invoices are created when products are shipped. If your shipment is a partial order, we include a partial invoice.

Do Web Store charges show up on the same statement as my rental invoices?

Yes, all of your AmeriPride purchases – whether rental or Web Store – will appear on the same statement or invoice.

I need to receive my order by a certain date. What do I do?

First, be sure to choose an appropriate shipping method. If your order includes personalization, allow AT LEAST 5 additional business days plus the shipping time.


Will AmeriPride share my e-mail address?

Never. AmeriPride strictly obeys all email communication regulations.